Cyprus will pay citizens for sorting garbage

The Government of Cyprus is actively working to improve the environmental situation. Recently, the island state decided to completely abandon the disposal of solid waste in favor of their recycling and disposal.

A program was conducted to eliminate the use of plastic bags and replace them with paper ones. In April, the waste recycling plant began operations. A separate waste collection system has been created for further processing. Previously, all wastes were dumped into identical containers without prior sorting, which complicated the disposal process. In other countries of the European Union, the system of separate collection of garbage is already well established.


The Cypriot government went further and offered the public to receive money for recycling plastic bottles. In their opinion, the conscious approach of people to garbage will significantly reduce its number on the island.

On the initiative of the authorities, “Pandomats” will soon be established in shopping centers. In these devices will need to lower an empty plastic bottle to get for it a small cash reward. The same devices will be configured to receive aluminum cans.

For the delivery of empty containers will be given a reward of 8-25 cents. The more bottles and cans will be delivered through the "Pandomats", the higher the payment will be. Currently, several Cyprus chains have already expressed their willingness to install such devices on their territory.

Prospects for monetization of waste sorting

Cypriot authorities are confident that, thanks to monetary remuneration, people will be more actively involved in the process of sorting household waste. It will be a stimulus for them. And the amount of plastic and aluminum in garbage cans will be significantly reduced. And the contents of the "Pandomatov" can be immediately sent to the recycling plant.

Almost all over the world, automatic machines are used for receiving waste. Only the system of settlements applies a little different. The price of a bottle or can of drink already includes a security deposit, which can be returned only when the container is lowered into the machine. If you just throw away an empty bottle or jar, then you will not be able to return the money. The collateral value system is successfully applied in Germany, USA, and Asia.

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