Vacation is the best time of the year. And especially if it falls on sunny days when you can lie on the beach, admire the sea and listen to seagulls. When it comes to choosing a hotel for summer vacation, the first question is: how far away from it is the beach. Most likely, that's why the hotels on the first coastline are so frenzied. And their number continues to grow.
The Mediterranean is a paradise for a tourist. No matter how long you stay here, you just want to stay as long as possible. For many years, the list of the most popular destinations for a holiday at sea does not leave Cyprus. Among all the Mediterranean islands, it is one of the top three in terms of the number of hotels closest to the sea. There are more than three hundred of them on the island.
The leader was the Italian Sicily, which hosted 735 beach hotels. The second place of the rating is occupied by the Greek island of Crete, where on the first line there are 677 hotels. This information can be found on the Travelmyth website – a specialized hotel search system for various parameters.
Cyprus is located in third place is not one, but with the Spanish Majorca. On the fourth and fifth places, there is again Greece – the island of Corfu and Rhodes. On each of them on the first line are more than two hundred hotels. In the top ten, there were two more popular Greek islands – Naxos and Zakynthos.