Construction in Greece


Grekodom Development makes use of the state of the art and innovative achievements of science and engineering as well as of the richest experience gained by several generations of our construction professionals. It makes it possible to implement your most aspiring desires and projects. Unparalleled quality of work performed by our highly qualified professional staff is matched by the state of the art design and construction technologies, accurate choice of materials our construction teams use, continuous monitoring and control we maintain at all stages of construction project implementation and its efficient management.

Grekodom Development provides complex construction supervision at all stages of construction work starting from the project’s design plan and specifications development till their final implementation. Professional knowledge and skills of our staff will help construct your Greek house in shortest time and to minimize your expenses.

While constructing your house, we use the best quality building materials as well as state of the art technical solutions which guarantee the project’s safety, comfort and convenience of use. The company staff will help you choose the materials which are best suited for the work to be completed, as well as the best design solutions which take into consideration your local terrain and other particulars. Our staff’s expertise ensures that your plans will be realized to the fullest.

Grekodom Development provides the following services in cottage construction:

1. Contractor’s design development:

  • Architectural concept development and its approval by the customer
  • The project design development section by section (the project general layout, its architectural and construction solutions, heating, water supply and other system design etc).
  • Project design approval with administrative bodies.
  • Obtaining construction permission in Greece.

2. Construction supervision and the project technical inspection.

3. The project correction if needed.

4. The project commissioning. 

Grekodom Development performs all kinds of jobs related to house construction in Greece. Our experienced engineers develop service systems design; our construction teams perform façade decoration and roofing, floor mounting and service system installation as well as other types of construction work.

Prior to design development our engineers work out an optimal architectural concept of your project which includes its general design layout, each store plans and sections. Our company develops project design at different levels of complexity; obtain construction permissions in shortest possible time, and when the project is completed, we provide assistance in your project commissioning and its registration in Greek administrative bodies. The project’s square meter price is calculated separately from the project design development price; it amounts to 1000 euro or higher depending on the project details.

Grekodom Development makes use of rich experience and excellent professional knowledge and skills of its competent staff. It helps effectively plan and organize construction work in Greece and it guarantees that all projects are timely and efficiently completed in accordance with our clients’ individual demands.