Swimming pool construction in Greece from Grekodom Development company

swimming pools construction

A swimming pool next to your own house in Greece which is surrounded by beautiful nature, warmed by the sun 300 days a year and that is comfortable for swimming even in winter – isn’t this a dream come true? Grekodom Development offers you professional assistance in swimming pool design and construction, pool equipment installation and mounting as well as in lining them with different types of tiles. We work in close cooperation with companies specializing in swimming pool equipment supply and swimming pool servicing.


1. Based on their location.

  • Outdoors (or open air) swimming pools. Their construction is much cheaper as compared to indoors pools. In Greece, the outdoor temperature seldom drops down below 10-15 degrees even in winter, that means that you can swim in your outdoors pool even during your New Year vacation.
  • Indoors (or closed) swimming pools. Indoors pools can be constructed inside any structure such as the main house itself or its cellar, or the main house annex, or even a separate building specially erected to house a swimming pool. 

2. Based on its level.

  • Fully embedded: their upper edge is at the ground level and 15-20cm above the water level. This type of construction fully harmonizes with your landscape, and it’s a standard solution for an indoor pool.
  • Partially embedded. Their upper edge is 70-100cm above the ground level. Their high edge serves as a safeguard to protect young children and pets from falling into the pool. Its outside edge requires some finishing touches, and designers and decorators can offer you plenty of creative solutions.
  • Surface (fully above the ground level). In this case, outdoor pools are for the most part collapsible. Their disadvantage is that you have to use some step ladder to get inside your pool (supplied together with the pool).

3. Based on its construction:

  • Inflatable. They are made of durable double layer PVH fabric. Their edge is equipped with an inflatable air tube which makes the pool construction solid and stable. It’s an economy type solution which allows you to mount your swimming pool whenever and wherever you want.
  • Prefabricated (collapsible). Their relatively small size and simple structure make the pool easy to install both outdoors and indoors. They also allow simple water filtering system installation.
  • Made of polypropylene – an environment friendly and durable plastic. The use of this material reduces the amount of construction work to be done as well as surface leveling, water proofing and facing expenses.
  • Permanent (fixed) which are made of concrete. Their construction sets no limit on the pool surface area, depth or shape, and it can be used for board diving. Most efficient water filtering systems and different types of entertainment equipment can be also installed in such pools.

The best solution is to locate your outdoors swimming pool in accordance with the wind rose. You may also want to have some low edge constructed, to avoid dirt getting into the water. But you should keep in mind that a private swimming pool needs a lot of care, and its cleaning also costs some money. For example, once a week you should clean your water filters and vacuum the pool bottom and walls. You may want to do it yourself, or you may hire a specialized company to service, clean and maintain your pool for you. A more practical and cost effective solution is to buy a townhouse within a housing estate that has a communal swimming pool. In this case, all swimming pool servicing costs are shared by the house owners.