Legal assistance from Grekodom Development

Our company provides a range of consulting services for those who wish to invest in Greece. At each stage of this process, our experienced partners of all specialties are ready to provide advisory services for the proper and effective completion of the investment process. Our experienced legal advisers professionalize in various fields covering all legal matters relating to investments. Our legal advisers provide full legal support.

1) Investments in Greece by purchasing property

- legal review of the ownership rights

- organization and carrying out the procedure of drawing up a notarial deed

- registration of a notarial deed in competent authorities

- further legal support of the property management (eg renting, leasing, renovation, provision of collateral security)

2) The establishment of the companies of all types

- providing information of the types of companies

- drafting of the charter

- registration in the competent authorities

- preparation of all types of documents relating to the operation of the company

- legal support of investment projects

- legal support of financial products

- legal support for participation in competitions

- legal support for participation in any kind of companies

3) Legal proceedings

- statements in the Greek courts

- drafting of claims, representation in the Greek courts

- arbitration court

- compromise settlement of disputes

4) Obtaining a residence permit

- information of the terms

- collecting of the supporting documentation

- submission of documents, monitoring, obtaining a residence permit

Providing legal support for procedures of investment begins from the very first steps and continues till the process completion and, later, during the term of the operation and at your will to have the legal support for any operational issues and any possible emergencies.

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