
Greece to Receive Next Bailout Tranche by June 13

Α source from the Greek Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday that the first installment of bailout tranches benchmarked for Greece, worth 7.5 billion euros (from a tranche worth 10.3 billion euros), will be disbursed by June 13.

The same official said that the institutions must write an implementation report and the memorandum documents need to be ratified by five EU parliaments. Though there was not yet any agreement with the institutions regarding non-performing loans guaranteed by the Greek state, the issue may be left until later or possibly discussed in a video conference call between the institutions and Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos bearing in mind that Economy Minister George Stathakis was going to be in Paris for an OECD meeting.

On his part, Stathakis expressed certainty that the deal agreed to at the Eurogroup meeting of May 24 will proceed without any glitches. In an interview with US TV network CNBC, Stathakis said that “99 percent of all that was agreed” has been adhered to. He said that three issues concerning fiscal matters for 2017 need to be adhered to, but he said that a solution would be forthcoming. He said that there is a tight schedule until 2018.

EU Social Dialogue Vice President Valdis Dobrovskis said that it is realistic to expect the disbursement of the next tranche for Greece soon. He said that Greece needs to complete all prior actions before receiving the second tranche, and there is progress in this direction.

Source: greece.greekreporter.com

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