The Finance Minister has extended the deadline for making amendments to annual declaration forms for property owners due to numerous errors on the incoming forms received so far.
The reposes to the errors on the part of the government has been to allow property owners an additional four months to get their numbers and forms in order for filing the E9 form, with a lesser penalty for filing later than the July 29 deadline from 100 euros down to 50 euros.
On Wednesday August 3, the Greek parliament had an amendment to the filing procedures submitted to them by the Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, and the Alternate Finance Minister, Tryfon Alexiadis, to extend the deadline to November 30.
Inspectors say that errors are being made on forms being filed and submitted to the tax authorities concerning taxpayers with undeveloped plots of land and was resulting in them having to pay substantially higher taxes.
This year the Greek government has excluded undeveloped plots of lands from property changes, so that they will not be included in the single property tax called ENFIA.
Source: greece.greekreporter.com