The Mouzenidis Group-hosted Autumn Travel Guru Tour is a series of familiarization trips designed for non-Greek tour operators and managers of tourist agencies whose purpose is to acquaint them with the beauties of Greece and its tourist infrastructure.
The first trip started Saturday, September 9, involving 28 tour managers and agencies from Georgia and Azerbaijan. The mission will run till September 16th. The tourism professionals will visit Thessaloniki Halkidiki, Peraia (Mt. Olympus), and Kastoria.
The goal is for these men and women to experience points of interest during the tourist season in order for them to get a better picture of what is on offer for visitors. Kastoria in particular is a focus because of the growing interest in its fur industry.
Several arrivals from Georgia and Azerbaijan are expected during the winter of 2016-17, while beefing up the fleet of Mouzenidis Group's Ellinair airline, including flights from Tbilisi, Georgia to Heraklion, Crete for the summer of 2017.
Source: grekomania.com