Grekodom Development Company
visit the company's booth.
During the exhibition, a seminar for the public.
''Housing Project''
30-31 may. 2015
Venue: St. petersburg. ''Ice Palace''
Our stand -32
Throughout the exhibition you wiil be able to receive comprehencive information ''First Hand'' about real estate in Greece, ask questions to executives, receive expert advise on the implementation of investment projects, obtaining a residence permit, legal support, construction and after-sale service, as well as get acquainted with the updated databace objects.
We invite you to the seminar ''Perspective directions to obtain a residence permit''.
31 may 15:00-16:00
Hall ''Foreign real estate''
Visitors will be able to participate in the tasting of Greek food, raffle prizes and gifts.
It wiil be a opportunity for visitors to turn their dream into reality for a day or two.
Waiting for you
30-31 May 11:00-19:00
We hope to see you as our quests!